the 'request'

Thursday, July 14, 2011 by Ankur

Thank you very much for the appreciation :)
So, lets continue the story...

After the first meeting, I was quite desperate to meet her once again. The next few days I just spent in my balcony waiting for her. But, she did not come there. I just wanted to meet her once again. Then, I came to know that she is not at home. She had gone to her relatives for few days. I was too disappointed to know that. More than 45 days of my vacations were over. I thought maybe the story is over. Then, I heard that she has come back. So, my sorrow turned into joy. I again started spending time at balcony. But, no results. She never came to the balcony. I always kept a watch at her main door too. Maybe I may spot her sometime. But, all in vain. Neither I had her phone number nor her email id. I was cursing myself for not having taken that in our first meeting. After talking two hours with a girl, I think its reasonable enough to take her phone number or at least her id. Anyways, all these days passed just thinking about her all day, just trying to convince God to at least fix one more meeting with her. Then, came the good news. I heard that another monthly get together was coming up shortly. I was overjoyed and thanked God for finally helping. Some changes in time and date were made at the last minute for some unknown reasons and I had to wait for one more week now.

Then, finally the night arrived. Just like the last time, this time also I prepared a list of questions/topics so that I do not run out of topics this time too. I arrived at the venue on time. She was already there looking still the same as she was when I last saw her. Dressed in simple clothes without any make-up, she was just looking like a beautiful princess. So, I entered the room with my eyes fixed on her. This time when she looked towards me, instead of moving my eyes, I passed a gentle smile and in return got a sweet and cute smile. :)

The night started well. It started with the ‘passing the parcel’ game. The seats were kept to form a circle (not an accurate one though, it resembled more of a square). Anyways, the game started. It was nice to see our elders saying movie dialogues, singing, dancing and performing small small acts. Then, came ‘her’ turn.  She sang a beautiful song. I was already a fan of her voice and after hearing that song, my likeness for her grew more. Then, came my turn. I picked up the chit from the bowl. It read- dance with your partner. Since most of the people there were married, may be, that’s why that chit was made. Anyways, after reading this, I was just looking towards her. Though I am not a good dancer, but still I wanted to dance with her. The point was how to ask her. But, while I was thinking all this, someone said, ‘Since Ankur has no partner, he will perform solo.’ I was definitely disappointed to hear that. ‘Kya bhagwan! Kabhi toh kuch madad kr diya karo’, I thought.

So, with that the game ended followed by the game of tambola. It was also over soon. Now, everyone started to move for the dinner. I was directly behind her and then I said, ‘Hi’.

‘Hi’, she replied.

Haye! Whenever I hear that voice, I just forget everything else.

‘So, your college decided?’, I asked.

‘Yes’, she said.

‘Hadd ho gayi! Yes-no k alawa bhi kuch bolde yar’, I thought.

After loading our plates with some exciting dishes, we finally sat on chairs. Luckily, I got a chair beside her. I again tried to carry on the conversation.

‘He….you read novels?’, I said pointing towards a shelf containing ‘2 states’.

‘Not much, just read sometimes when I am bored. I have read only fps till now’, she replied.

‘Another fps fan!’, I thought.

‘So, what do you do all day?’, I asked.

‘Nothing much, just sleeping, eating, dancing and tv’, she said.

‘And fb too’, she added.

‘Should I ask her facebook id?’ I thought. While I was trying to decide whether to ask her id or not, she asked me,’ How do you spend your time at home?’

‘Well, the same stuff- tv, sleeping, eating and fb’, I said with a smile.

‘Yeah, fb se kafi time pass ho jata h’, she added.

Her last statement made me think,’ Does she want me to take her username?’

But, stupidly, I changed the topic, ‘Do you play any game?’

‘Annn…I used to play tt, but no one plays here’, she said.

‘Should I ask her for tt?’, I was again confused.

‘What are your hobbies?’, she asked.

‘Annn…nothing special, just the usuals, movies, songs, novels and writing.’ I intentionally added the word ‘writing’. Since she was a Chetan Bhagat fan, so I thought that she might develop an interest in me on hearing that ;) .

‘Writing? What exactly do you write?’, She sounded interested.

‘Just arbitrary, anything, on any topic, usually write during the lectures when everyone is sleeping.’

‘That’s good! I’ll like to read it sometime.’ She said with a smile.

‘Sure’, I said though I knew that if she read it , then, she’ll definitely kill me. She doesn’t even know that I have written around 3 poems on her.

It was then time to leave. So, as I got up, suddenly, it came to me that I still don’t have any way to communicate with her. So, gathering some courage, I asked,’ Your fb username or email-id?’.

‘Actually I changed my id recently, you give me yours, I’ll send you request.’

Oh man! That sweet smile….anyways, I gave her my username, and my email-id too coz I didn’t want to take any risk. I just wanted that ‘the request’ reaches me safely.

Again, after going home, just like the last time, I opened my pc and my fb account. This time though, I was not searching for her but waiting for that ‘request’…

     Whenever I see you
     I lose my senses
     my mind stops working
    but my heart starts beating
    I have lost my eyes to your eyes
   my ears to your sweet voice
   and my heart to your soul

   And before this pen stops writing
   I just wanna say one thing to you
   you're beautiful...its true!

P.S : 1. I again thank all of you for the likes. :)
        2. I hope you like this one too. ;)
        3. Any suggestions, reviews or comments are warmly welcomed. :)
        4. And stay tuned, there are many more to come. :)
        5. And I am sorry, I think maybe this post is a bit lengthy.


Unknown said...

really makes an interesting read ... lagta h sab teri is story mein interested h!!! :D

Unknown said...

thanx... :)
sab interested hain except 'her'.. :(

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