the first tym I heard her voice...

Monday, July 11, 2011 by Ankur

Well...i know many of the poems on this blog don't actually look like poems but this the first non poetic post from my side.. :D

She was there! Standing at the door!! I was just staring at her and once our eyes met, I immediately turned my eyes to the other side. The room had about 30-35 seats and almost the same no. of people, and since she arrived late, there was only one seat left in the room- the one beside mine's. She started walking towards me, basically, towards the only chair left in the room. As she was approaching, I started feeling uncomfortable and by the time, she sat on the chair, I was sweating!!All my preparation for the evening was gone. I didn't remember a word of my checklist. 

From the corner of my eye, I tried to see what she was doing. I tried to study her face , I tried to guess how she was feeling. “Definitely, she’s feeling bored. Cummon Ankur, start the conversation”, I said to myself. Finally, gathering all my strength, I said ‘hi’ and hoped ki is baar toh reply aa jaye. She looked towards me, her eyes straight into my eyes and man, I was gone! Totally speechless!! For the first time, I noticed her face so closely. She was just 1.5-2 feet away from me. For the first time, I noticed her deep eyes, her graceful smile and her flawless face. And for the first time, I heard her sweet voice…

‘Hi’, she said in a sweet and polite manner.

I was just too lost in her thoughts to answer that. Finally, controlling my feelings and trying to sound normal, I said, “I am Ankur and you are?”

Ridhima”, she said, with a sweet smile. I was completely blank. No topic coming in my mind. I was thinking what to say next when suddenly she broke the silence.

‘So, what do you do, Ankur?’

‘Currently, I am pursuing B.Tech in Chemical Engineering’, I said. I was expecting a question like ‘kahan se’, but there was no response from her side.

‘So, aap kya….karti hain?’ I stammered a bit. Normally, I stammer in front of beautiful girls and she was just….

‘I have just given my 12th boards this year and I am looking for a college now’

Ohk, science or non-science?’

‘I am a non-med student. Anyways, where are you doing engineering from?’

IIT Delhi’, I said.

‘Nice’, she said.

‘Nice, just nice!’, I thought. I didn’t have anything to talk to and she was not helping either...

Just then the unexpected happened. Two more uncles entered the place. With no other person of our age in the room, we were asked to get up and finally, we were shifted to another place. And that proved out to be a turning point. J 

Atleast, now, I was sure that apart from her, no one else was listening our conversation. ;)

And then, started the actual ‘talking’, though it was just a formal one. The topics covered were college, engineering and pcm…but still I was with her for the next two hours. :D

That night, after coming home, I was just lost in her thoughts. I just had one regret that I didn't have her phone no., not even her fb username. I tried to search for her but I guess there are just too many 'Ridhimas' in the world. Finally, with no success, I turned off my pc and went to bed. But, I just couldn't sleep, her image was just fixed on my retina, her voice still echoing in my ears. So, I sat up and wrote :

 the first time i saw your face
 your elegance, your grace
 I was trapped in your spell
 coz you were not less than an angel

 now, after hearing your voice
 you have left me with no choice
 I wish you were here
 though I know that you are near

 I want to be with you once more
 please for once cross that door
 someone please lead the way
 coz I have no clue
 may be its too early to say
 but I think I love you...

P.S: 1. I think i have covered a lot this time. Sorry, but this story isn't that short.
       2. Again, I am sorry that maybe this post is too long but I couldn't help it. I tried my level best to make it as short as possible. :)
       3. I hope you liked the post. :)
       4. Stay tuned as next one will be arriving shortly. ;)
       5. And again your suggestions, reviews and comments are warmly welcomed. :)


Prankur said...

Woah ho!! man!!!
Now this one IS some piece of work...probably a next Harsh Snehanshu on the way...bas udna mat n aise hi likhte rehna ;)

Unknown said...

thanx buddy...
sure...i'l try my best.. :)

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