episode 3..

Saturday, July 2, 2011 by Ankur

Welcome back.. :)

so, facing that eye
i just managed to say
a mere 'hi'
but maybe she didn't hear that
or just turned an blind eye

i stood there in despair
as she went inside
totally unaware
why my 'hi' was denied  :(

was something wrong with my face
or was it lack of elegance and grace
i tried to figure out
but i couldn't trace

and then whole day
i just fought
as she was there
in my every thought

i wanted to meet her again
talk to her and explain
that first impressions are not always right
coz you never know what's inside

and then my hopes grew
as i heard something new
and that ended my sorrow
as i heard there is an event tomorrow. ;)

stay tuned as the story is still not over
and i have many more things to cover. :)

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