Metro station at 6 am

Tuesday, April 17, 2012 by Ankur

All of us have traveled by metro sometime or the other. I am sure everyone must have seen the rush,the noise and the crowd at the metro stations...

Metro comes, metro goes
people enter and have to stand on toes
With no seat and no space
you can't even locate your own face
This is the general trend
where lines and people do not end.. :/

But, at 6 am, the metro station is not the looks like a totally different place..

Today, at six in the morning
i am here
quite early though
but going somewhere
But, it looks like i am in a different nation
as it is not the normal Indian metro station

With no line and no que
its just a fantastic view
No race for that single seat
as seats are more but less feet

Oh, it gives so much peace
as this journey was covered with so much ease
and now, after these few minutes of relaxation
i have finally reached my destination.. :)