
Sunday, January 23, 2011 by Ankur

Hope this dream comes true...

 someday,somewhere,I saw someone
the one like a morning's glow
like the beauty of water flow
the one from whom even the moon will be jealous
the one whose just so flawless

someday,somewhere I gathered the courage
got out of my little cage
but just as i reached towards her
i couldn't speak a single word
and i was feeling like a coward
and then she started and i just heard
every topic, interesting or wierd

someday, somewhere, she embraced me
about her life,love and interests
she phrased me

someday, somewhere, I finally confessed
about her eternal beauty with which she was blessed
and then the story started knitting
and it was looking like a perfect beginning

but one day when i woke somewhere
looked just here and there
then came a loud scream
as I realised that it was just a dream.........


"m nOt sure" said...

a gud one..really :-)

Mohit Goyal said...

i couldn't speak a single word
and i was feeling like a coward

just like this line, situation of many lovers...... :)

Unknown said...

@transformer: thanx!!
@mohit: ya..i knw...i hv already xperienced this situation... :)

Kunal Gupta said...

just find some courage and speak up. it just takes a moment. :P :)

Unknown said...

@kunal: ohk sir...i'll remember this rule... ;)

Amol...the poetic soul said...

@ankur: awesome !!!!!!!!!!!!!! machai hai!

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